Roses are red, reposting is lame, But not every joke here is always the same.I went to a lame reggae concert once It was dreadful.What kind of tea do ghosts drink? Boo tea.I wanted to make a lame pun thread about fish.I wish I could be ugly for one day Cause being ugly every day is kinda lame.I've heard them all like a Zildjian times. Why is North Korea so lame? It's got no Seoul.

I was going to tell you a joke about an injured deer.but it would have been lame.I asked Yoda for a two word review of Les Miserables "Lame is.".Why are North Korean weekends so lame? Because theres only one party.Where do animals go when their tails fall off? Retail store.
#Lame meaning tamil crack
What lame jokes and lame one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with adults and children about lame?
#Lame meaning tamil full

Therefore the tax stimulus will have to come through a reduction in excise duties in respect of sectors which have been infected by world recession. A change in direct taxation is unlikely since the Parliament procedures for such a change are too cumbersome. The increase in expenditure will have to be mostly in social sectors, particularly education and health care. The forthcoming budget therefore will have to, first, increase expenditure to make up for the fall in private investment and, second, provide indirect tax incentives to sectors that are under heavy pressure, whatever happens to the budget deficit. The budget will have to focus on keeping the economy going in the first quarter of 2009-10, before the new Government is able to introduce a regular budget. In these conditions a third stimulus package is vital to lift the economy to higher growth and larger employment. Industrial production dipped 2 per cent in October and growth recovered to a mere 2.4 per cent in November. But the impact was not sufficient to counter the sharp fall in external and domestic demand.Įxports dropped 8 per cent in the quarter ending December and are likely to drop 22 per cent in January. Government has initiated two stimulus packages, about one-fifth of it coming from relief in indirect taxation, to change the course of the economy. Undoubtedly, the present is an unusual situation and convention cannot be a reason for inaction. Pranab Mukerjee has therefore assured that government will take further steps to ensure that the labour intensive sectors are less adversely affected. The number is likely to go up to 1,500,000 by the end of March 2009. A Survey made by the Ministry of Labour and Employment revealed that in the quarter ending December 500,000 workers lost their jobs. The economy is under stress and in quite a few pockets there is large unemployment.